The Master of Business Administration is a prestigious postgraduate qualification that provides an overview of key business practices and is highly valued by top employers. Successfully completing an MBA can lead to a better salary, improved professional satisfaction and expanded business contacts.

MBA programs are beneficial for your career; students who enroll for this course are trained in the practicality of a business environment and after completion step out as skilled professionals. Many MBA aspirants are working professionals and often it’s their company that sponsors for the course, given that they stay loyal to the company after their studies are completed. For service goers, who are not sponsored by their companies, there is a lot of job opportunities post the completion of their course. In a recent study, it was learnt that 90% of MBA professionals are now enjoying full time employment. Hence, if you’re a graduate with ambitions for a high executive career, an MBA is just what you need.

The most popular career pathways with MBA graduates are –

• Finance
• Accounting
• Human Resources
• Healthcare
• Marketing
• Education
• Management
• Sales
• Technology Management
• Product Management

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