Narendra Modi, Honourable Prime Minister of India, On Sunday 24th November in his 59th addition of Mann Ki Baat announced that he will arrange a counselling session for the students in the month of January. The Prime Minister praised the young minds of India for sharing their examination related problems and said that through in session in January he will advise them on how to deal with exam-related stress.

In his radio programme Mann Ki Baat, PM Narendra Modi said that the fact that the young audience complains, instructs or suggests him with a sense of love and entitlement is what he finds the most endearing about the program and it gladdens him. He added that Shweta, a young girl from Madhya Pradesh, sent a message on the NaMo App enquiring about the date of the PM’s next interaction on examinations. She had requested for the interactive session to be scheduled in the month of January in order to help students deal with exam-related stress. He also pointed out that Shweta was right in asserting that this program needs to be scheduled a bit earlier as many people after the last exam interaction had provided written suggestions to make the session more effective. Among the suggestions were not to hold the interaction too close to the examinations.

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PM Modi interacts with the Nation in Mann Ki Baat | 24th Nov 2019 | PMO

The Prime Minister also said that his Gov and the HRD Ministry are working on the matter jointly and it will be his endeavor to conduct examinations at the beginning or mid January. The Prime Minister concluded the program by saying that there is a need to wipe out the fear of examinations collectively. He also said that he would like the teachers to be assured, parents to be assured and students to smile during their examinations.

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